Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pants King Where In The Bible Does It Talk About David Cutting King Sauls 'Pants" While He Was Tcb?

Where in the bible does it talk about David cutting King Sauls 'Pants" while he was tcb? - pants king

(1. Samuel 24:2-7). . . And Saul went to three thousand young men in Israel do, and mountain goats to David and his men on the bare rocks. 3 At last he reached the walls along the street, where there is a cave. Saul was come to relieve nature, while David and his men were back in parts of the cave, SA 4 And David's men began to say: "This is the day when the Lord says:" Look at me, I give thine enemy into thine hand, and you should do with him, to look like you just as well in her eyes. " And David arose slowly and cut the coat, vest belonged to Saul. 5 And what happens after the heart of David kept in the strike on the grounds that she had broken her skirt [the vest] that belonged to Saul. 6 Therefore, ordered his men: "It is inconceivable to me in the eyes of the Lord, that I present to my Lord, the Lord's anointed, dig my hand against him because the Lord's anointed. 7 Accordingly, David's spreadMen with these words, and not the right to rise against Saul. What Saul got up from the cave and went his way.


Schneb said...

They had no pants at the time, had a dress.

1. Samuel 24:3-5

She arrived with herds of the road where there was a cave, and Saul went out to meet their needs. (David and his men were in the back of the cave.) Then the men of David is said: "This is the day the Lord said, Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand, you can do for him what do you think, too. "And David arose and secretly cut off a corner of Saul's robe. And what happened after the heart of David was worried because he had cut off Saul's robe.

L.C. said...

1 Samuel 24:4 Then David's men said: "This is the day the Lord said, Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand, you can do it because you also seem to be. "And David arose and secretly cut off a corner of Saul's robe.

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